Relevant Bible Teaching "Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth."
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Life Lessons
Life Lessons is a compilation of things that I wish I had known when I graduated from high school and went off to college.  It is what I wish I knew at twenty now that I am thirty.  Filled with Biblical content and commands, this 50 page booklet will highlight the most important lessons about God, the Bible, friends, the future, and several other key aspects of life.  Many major life decisions get made in our youth, and by going to God's Word, by His grace we can make those decisions with the wisdom of someone far ahead in life experience.  This booklet is ideal for graduates and young people in general, but it also has relevant applications for any person seeking to know what will anchor them throughout their lives.  Lest we be carried away by every erroneous wind of doctrine, we need anchoring points, life lessons that will grow our roots deep into God's truth. 

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Summary Outline
Chapter 1: Life Lessons on God
Chapter 2: Life Lessons on the Gospel
Chapter 3: Life Lessons on Friends
Chapter 4: Life Lessons on Self
Chapter 5: Life Lessons on Being Different
Chapter 6: Life Lessons on the Future
Chapter 7: Life Lessons on Perseverance