Relevant Bible Teaching "Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth."
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Bible Study Tools
This is a phenomenal tool for looking up Scripture by chapter and verse or for doing word and phrase searches.  Many languages and translations are available.
Interlinear Bible at Studylight
If you want to plunge deeper into the original languages and try to better understand the intended meaning of a word or verse, this is an extremely useful tool to use.  You don't have to know Greek or Hebrew to be able to use it and benefit from it.
Flavius Josephus' Historical Accounts of Jewish History (from StudyLight)
Flavius Josephus is well-respected as an authoritative historian of the Jewish people from their beginning to even shortly after the time of Christ.  His works provide insight into Jewish customs and history, and they give added support to the Biblical narrative.
Powerpoint Bible Maps
These are simple but helpful maps of Biblical cities, places, and events courtesy of and